I’m thrilled to PERSONALLY invite you to join me in the  FREE 5 Day Challenge: 

EXPRESS Your GENIUS MESSAGE (to bring certainty into times of uncertainty)!


It’s truly going to transform the way you live & work as a creative / spiritual online entrepreneur in this time of vast change, while helping you speak your soul’s voice into existence, GREATLY impact the planet, and turn it into a fulfilling livelihood! 

Online entrepreneurship is GROWING FAST and it’s important to LEAD with the voice of YOUR deeper message, so that it touches the immediate needs of YOUR people!

Are you tired of growing your business withOUT experiencing the true DEEP DOWN fulfillment that you’re THIRSTY for!

This is for you if:

  • Your core message communication needs to catch up to the current times so that your people will hear you.
  • You’ve been established and earning, and your soul is calling you to something deeper, so it’s time to pivot to scale forward. 
  • You’re creatively blocked and WANT to create your next level offer or masterpiece, but can’t seem to open UP the flow again.
  • The thought of voicing your genius triggers INCESSANT FEAR that holds you back from taking the key action that’ll call in your clients.
  • You’ve made scattered attempts to reach your soul clients without success, and you WANT to NOW speak directly to their core needs.


I’m here to facilitate YOUR FULL GENIUS EXPRESSION. It’s why I came. 


And YOU’RE here to listen to it’s call. It’s why YOU came. 


Delivering this 5 day challenge for you is an absolute treat and I want you to know that the GOLDEN nuggets you’ll get here will change the face of your business forever. 

Here’s what those who’ve gone through the challenge have said!


Here’s what we’ll cover in the challenge:

  • Day 1: We’ll cover what your Genius IS, how to activate it, respond to it AND leverage it to grow in your own level of certainty in your life and business during these challenging times.


  • Day 2: We’ll cover how to let your genius become the expression of your next level message that responds to the immediate needs of your people, while growing your relationship with your most reliable inner resource. 


  • Day 3: We’ll unpack common fear based CORE beliefs that create uncertainty and prevent you from owning your Intuitive Genius fully, and SIGNIFICANTLY impact your business growth right now!


  • Day 4: We’ll explore the art of RECALIBRATING to RECONNECT with your Genius when you get pulled out, and diminish anxiety, stay focused and in the flow for longer periods.


  • Day 5: We’ll talk about the identity shift you need to make to step into YOUR next level BUSINESS EXPANSION while letting your genius expression lead the way AND adapt to the changing climate of online entrepreneurship.


You’re going to receive pointed prompts each day that’ll evoke something powerful in you and move you forward!

Here’s my goal for you at the end of 5 days:


  • You’ll walk away with a more intimate relationship with your most RELIABLE ALLY (your Intuitive Genius), and express it to your people with clarity, deep certainty and confidence.
  • You’ll learn to translate your Intuitive Genius into currency as you leverage it for marketing and business building online. 

More Success as a result of the challenge!

“While tuning into one of the EXPRESS Your GENIUS MESSAGE training videos Stacey intuitively downloaded not only her magnetizing title for her new program, BUT within ONE hour after that, had 2 new sign ups for it and generated 12 k. Before even officially launching! BAM!”

Your Genius Message IS the gateway to your next level business growth and IMPACT on this planet! 


It’s time to EXPRESS it WITHOUT APOLOGY ~ the world needs you to ~


Psst! Want to share this challenge with someone you know that will benefit from it? Please share this link now!

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